Preoperative eye examination for ICL

The method of examination is the same as the eye examination before LASIK, but requires additional measurement of the anterior chamber depth of the eye with special instruments.

Before the examination, you should prepare as follows:
1.Patients must remove contact lenses before coming to check as follows:

2. If you take Roaccutane acne medication, you should stop taking it for at least 1 month.
3. If wearing false eyelashes, it is recommended to remove it at least 1 week before.
4. Not pregnant
5. There will be dilation of the iris by instilling medication to examine the retina. This causes blurry vision after examination. After the examination, the iris will continue to expand for another 4-6 hours before the drug wears off. Then the iris will shrink back to normal.
This made it difficult to drive after the examination. But you are still able to see and walk around. It is recommended to bring sunglasses too.
You should not drive by yourself. Bring a friend or relative. If you come alone, the staff will help you call a taxi for you.
6. It takes about 3 hours for eyes examination.
7. Purpose of the examination is to assess the eye condition if you are a good candidate for ICL or not.
8. After the eye examination the doctor will summarize and discuss with you about ICL procedure, the advantages and disadvantages. Then you can make a decision.
9. Should arrive about 15 minutes before the appointment time. Upon arrival, go to register at the registration counter on the 1st floor before coming up.

Eyes examination which takes about 3 hours. What are the tests?
1. Refraction for your prescription and measure your eyeglasses. You should bring the recent glasses or the original contact lens prescription if you have one.
2. Take a picture of the eyeball, cornea and measure the opening in front of the eye (pupil) with special tools.
3. Examine the condition of the eyeball with a high magnification camera (Slit lamp examination) by the ophthalmologist.
4. Dilation eye drops will be instilled and wait about half an hour for iris to dilate. After that eye measurements will be repeated by the technician and retinal examination will be done by the ophthalmologist.
5. There may be additional tests that the doctor will order if necessary.
6. The doctor will explain and give advice about ICL implantation.

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